Trans Media

In the readings that I looked over. Each one went over the media term ‘ Trans media. In one reading called ‘ Defining Transmedia Storytelling’ it is told that theorists such Henry Jenkins explains that “ Transmedia Storytelling expands on the traditions of television narratives and the different universes they have”.

Examples of a film that uses transmedia, is Marvel as it has films as well as tv shows, comic books, games and merchandise.

From the research Ive gathered the concept of transmedia does not only play apart in just the narrative of television but films and comicbooks too. Reason for this is one being that both movies and comic books can be showing/ telling a narrative in a form of a films or book. Which can also be made in a form of television series too.

Reason why trans media is nessaceraly good is generally because viewers/ audience have various forms of entertainment to choose from. This is also useful for people in the business industry as they have a high market when comes to this. They make money of people buying their merchandise and viewing their content(films and shows)

I generally don’t mind that fact that there are many forms of trans media. As not only does it peak my interest. I will never get bored of what to choose.

CW1 100 word summary of my essay Assignment 205MAPA

This is an overview plan of what my essay will be about.

The media text I will be looking into is on a black film called ‘The hate you give’, this film is about a girl who lives in a rough black neighbourhood and witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend at the hands of a police officer.

Throughout the essay I will be explaining and showing how there’s encoding and decoding in the film. The three main theorists I will be choosing to back up my research and work are Tessa Perkins, Patricia Hill and Stuart Hall.

I’m also going ahead and including the term representation in my essay.

Within my Case study I will talk about news streams(medium), cultural ideological values, different realities through media.

Response to the readings week 3 205MAPA

The reading in which I read talk about subcultures, the types of subcultures and what defines it. People nowadays use subcultures to define who people are. As in reading 1 ‘Today’s youth subcultures: Resistance or corporation’, Bulent Kabas says “Subcultures create meaningful identities by means of their consumption rituals.” You could say it’s very useful when differentiating people within different cultures. Civilization in general are normally categorised into different kinds of cultures from religious groups to people from an ethnic background.

Apart from sub-cultures being useful, it’s also good for societies in the fact that it allows people from the same subculture to relate with each other and gain relationships from one another either believing in the same agenda or religion.

In my opinion I think categorising people in types of subcultures is normal as that what’s been happening since even before slavery. 

Everyone in one way or another is apart of a subculture. I generally think that subcultures don’t  affect me that much but occasionally I’m lead to follow what other people are doing if it’s cool like wearing nice clothes or trainers putting me in a subculture of designer wear.

Fanfiction Essay


After the long and dreadful fight between the avengers and Thanos’ army. The avengers eventually came on top defeating Thanos’s and his alliances. There was death everywhere. 

But little did tony stark know was once he snapped fingers figures using the gauntlet.

Not only did it resulting in sending Thanos away, but it let a whole bunch of people from another dimension in.

Them people that were let in, were known as the Justice League.

The justice League being confused of their whereabouts looked at the Avengers. The amount of bloodbath at the scene instantly got them to believe that the Avengers were villains rummaging a planet. 

As the two teams stared at each other, batman made an instinct move to be the first to start a fight by throwing a batarang at ironman to which he dodged, and laser beamed back.

It was inevitable both teams had to fight now, superman had his eyes set on the hulk, hulk grinned. 

As Thor’s eyes turned blue with lightening, Wonder Woman knew she will have to come face to face with a god.

Both Hawkeye and Black panther stared down Flash. Flash with an awkward look back at them saying “Aw lets just get this fight done and over with I got things to do”.

Aquaman the guy he is grins at ant man, thinking to himself really what kind of team is this. 

In a split second, ant man out of nowhere transformed into a giant. Aquaman response to this was “Shit” “Oh well at least we have the man of steel with us”

Cyborg questioning the survival rates of him and his team quickly made up something saying “We need reinforcements” while flying away in distance.

The League looked at him shockingly, while Aquaman laughing hysterically saying “He ain’t coming back is he.”

It was first walking to each other, to jogging, then sprinting to one another. As the first punch was led. Both teams knew that this fight will be their last.

Small task on subculture and Fandoms

Gangs in general are considered a bad subculture as their beliefs and values purely consists of the support of criminal behaviour. Things that gangs do don’t necessarily benefit community/ area they live in.

In my opinion I think the music subcultures are good as it acknowledges all the perfect music that was played during the past or present. It gives people who like the same genre of music a community to go to. 

The reason why some fandoms are bad, and some are good all depends on the fan base. For a fandom to be classed as good, fans must be able to support and help one another in their community whereas as a bad fandom have fans that attack other fans from other communities that necessarily does not like the things the other fans like.

It also depends the criticism.

Example of a Portfolio

When searching for a portfolio to look at I came across a site on Juliana- cavalcanti.com

On this particular website I saw a well organised and structured portfolio. As I read it, everything seemed to be aligned with the LinkedIn course on Portfolio building that graphic designer Professor Jason Fox taught.

I felt that the way she talked about herself was good. It wasn’t too brief but it wasn’t long either, just right.

There are links to some of the services she has worked and provided in detailing some of the things she did.

On the portfolio she created you can see that she’s managed to put a few images together showing us the audience of what she’s done.

At the bottom of her page she has put the most important details. Her contacts and other work she’s proud of doing.

What I’ve overall learnt from this is that when your looking to create a portfolio you will need to properly structure it so the person reading it can understand you also need to show the pieces of work you’ve done as that’s extremely important. This can sometimes determine if you get the job or not and finally whenever you create a portfolio make sure you have your contacts on their so they can call or email you.

205MAPA W2 Task work

As I’ve read the Stuart hall readings and watched the video where he talks about his own views on society today on the aspect of cultural identities and politics of position within law. There are a few points and statements I’ve picked up on that I would say are really important and relevant to me.

On the whole conception that ‘cultural identity’ and politics of position are all tied in on plays a huge effect in our society today.

On the academic sense of things knowing Stuart halls view of cultural identities helps me to further gain more knowledge and depth into people of a certain culture do what do and how the media can offend certain cultures by its statements and view for example a reading on the British Parliament, Enoch Powell in 1968 sim[ply saying that Britain will be slowly overruled by black people as they quickly grow in numbers, in addition to this he quotes “In this country, in 15 or 20 years’ time, the black man will have the whip hand over the white man.” Resulting till today a feeling of provocation towards people and the BBC whenever they think of broadcasting the speech.

Which leads me onto to encoding and decoding messages. As hall says is ‘how the content is structured, packaged and distributed’ that plays a part on how the audience sees or views things. For example, when Michael Jackson was on trial the media if said almost viewed him to be a ‘child- like paedophile’ losing sight of all the good that his down and focusing on the bad things instead.

Who I am now and what i’m aiming to achieve in the near future

Im a university student whose currently studying media and communications up in Coventry. Ive gone  and thought about multiple career paths I could go into in the past. I ultimately chose this particular path, not only is this career path interesting it also allows you to gain knowledge into how media works and how its communicated to everybody.

Throughout the times of learning the concept of media overall. I truly believe that I have gained a couple of skills, one being knowing my way around Adobe Photoshop and Pro premiere and also being rather imaginative.

Now knowing what kind of career path to take within Media and communications. I want to be involved with marketing and advertising alongside graphics as this is a good place where your  creative ideas can be heard.

Even though I know some skills, there are some I still need to grasp to ensure that I can even work within the industry. To do this I would need to make it my duty to attend online lessons that are offering to teach me the skills I need to progress. I would also have to contact people who are aware or in the marketing and advertising business.

I need be less shy as my career path is outgoing  and it involves quite a bit of teamwork. Adding onto what I last said i also need to work on my social skills.

PDP ( Personal Development Planning)

I have always considered myself as being creative. Over the years of studying and learning creative media I have obtained many skills that will surely help me out int the future and in the later career that I want to pursue. 

I have gained knowledge in photography, editing via Adobe Pro Premiere, designing using Photoshop. 

Since being in University I have required many more useful skills such as filming and editing audio.

Aims for my foreseeable future during my two years of university is to try and develop more of my creative work in graphic designing and editing videos so I can produce suitable but professional – like posters/logos/ websites and videos etc.

This year that’s gone by, I looked for opportunities which would help my graphic and editing skills. I was unable to find any, so I ended up choosing presentation skills, this though helped me in my confidence talking. For next year I am choosing Add+Vantage module media which will support me.

In the future, I’m hoping to go into a career of graphic designing whether its designing posters, logos magazines or websites. Being a freelancer would be interesting to do as I would to be my own boss. 
